Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Beyond Awesome!

Rob's Room: Daredevil Cover Creation by Lee Weeks

Daredevil Cover Creation by Lee Weeks
Lee Weeks revisits a favorite hero in 'Daredevil' series
I haven't yet picked any of this anthology up, but want to read it soon.  Artwork looks terrific.  I look forward to it being collected in a single volume.

The Cost to Build Giant Robots!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Trask Industries

Dumb Ways to Die Movie-verse!


World Record for People Dressed Like Superman!

Dork Note: A rip in the multi-verse causes 867 Supermen to appear!

Thanks Jim Smash for the find - via Daily Mail 

The stunt was organized at the music festival by costume experts Escapade to raise money for Help For Heroes, the charity for injured servicemen and their families.

Rob's Room: Star Wars Promotional Art from Burger King by Del Nichols

Star Wars Promotional Art from Burger King by Del Nichols circa 1977 via Space1970 blogspot
 Bonus Star Wars image by Jeff Carlisle circa 2012.  It's like a Star Wars version of Where's Waldo?!

Sergio's Awesome 1966 Batmobile Toy Collection!

Dumb Ways to Die